Hand shape Heishi beads by Calvin Lovato
pipe stone × turquoise hand shape necklace
-Pipe Stone
Pipestone (Catlinite) is a sacred red clay stone used by Native Americans to make pipes for prayers and ceremonies. It is found in only a few places around the world, with Minnesota being famous for its highest quality pipestone.
*Due to its very delicate nature, careful handling is required.
-Calvin Lovato
A Heishi jeweler from the Santo Domingo tribe in New Mexico, he is one of the few artisans who continue to handcraft all processes entirely by hand. His delicate and smooth shaping quality is evidenced by numerous awards at various Indian jewelry-related shows and contests, starting with the nation's largest Native American jewelry show held annually in Santa Fe.
Pipe stone
Calvin lovato
New Mexico 州サントドミンゴ族のHeishi ジュエラーで全ての工程を手作業にて製作を続ける数少ないヒシ職人です。
その繊細かつ滑らかなシェイプクォリティは毎年サンタフェで行われる全米最大のネイティブ・アメリカン ジュエリーのショーを始め様々なインディアンジュエリー関連のショーやコンテストでの多くの受賞歴が証明しています。